
I’ve been called many things with regard to my love of cooking, and of food in general. The two descriptions I hear most often probably sum it up best: hippy gourmet. It’s fresh, whole foods that are usually vegetarian, often seasonal and local, and occasionally involve some ” weird” ingredients. But just as much importance is given to the more sensuous aspects of the meal as to the healthfulness; things like an eye-pleasing plating, a mouthwatering aroma, and most importantly extreme deliciousness. It all adds up to food that is good. Good for your body, good for your soul.

Having been a closet hippy for as long as I can remember, my cooking and eating style has always resembled California cuisine in one way or another. Even growing up in the ‘burbs of Philly, I was cooking up veggie dishes and sending my mom to the grocery store for tofu and avocado (unheard of in that area back then, I assure you). So no one was terribly surprised when I took off for the west coast post-college. Living in Sacramento was a dream come true for a mostly vegetarian foodie. Fresh, organic produce abounded, even in the winter months. Healthy eating was almost normal, and at the least wasn’t openly mocked.

In the midst of all of this culinary delight I met Chris, the love of my life, who shares my love of food, although perhaps not to such an obsessive degree. A few years after we met, we decided to leave paradise for reasons we now can’t seem to remember to open a bar here in the Arctic central New York. Living here we miss a lot of things, particularly the food. And the weather. And the people. I pine for things like Meyer lemons, avocados that taste like avocados, and figs picked fresh off of my neighbor’s tree. But we’ve got some pretty great stuff here too like fresh summer berries, maple syrup tapped right down the street, and some of the best garlic I’ve ever tasted. All things that have been a welcome addition to my culinary repertoire and that have added new flavor to some of my existing recipes.

This blog is a chronicle of my culinary adventures as I try to reconcile a west-coast mindset with an upstate NY locale. All of the recipes and pictures are originals (except where otherwise noted) and I ask that you please respect that by giving proper credit and linking back to my blog when reposting. Also, please be respectful with your comments. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but I will not tolerate hateful or mean-spirited comments. Please be polite, both to me and to each other.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy my recipes and ramblings.


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  1. ha ha i love the “hippy gourmet.” I have recognized you on my blog for the Liebster Blog Award 🙂 – http://lillysuesbitesandbrews.com/2013/05/10/tribute-to-my-mom-pear-cocktail/ Congrats!


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