Fall Cleaning (Shitake Green Curry with Soba Noodles Recipe)


I don’t know about you, but all I’ve been wanting to eat lately is bread, pasta, and sweets. I could probably blame it in part on the cooler temperatures pushing me towards heavier, richer foods. But really, it’s not that cold yet and it’s a bit too early still for the heavy foods of winter. More realistically, it’s my own fault for indulging in these yummy treats just a little too often and not noticing how far down the slippery slope I’d come towards subsisting solely on refined carbs. This, combined with a bout of fall allergies and a couple of weeks spent teetering on the edge of catching the nasty cold that’s been going around, has left me feeling sluggish and just generally unwell. Based on these realizations, it seems that it might be good time for a dietary cleanse. A reboot for my system, if you will. (more…)

The Space Between (Roasted and Sundried Tomato Pasta Recipe)


The transition from summer to fall always makes me nostalgic.  And being the food-obsessed person that I am, that nostalgia often revolves around food.  Food from my childhood, to be specific. I don’t know what it is about this interim time that makes me feel this way.   Maybe the cooler weather jump starts my cravings for comfort food.  Or perhaps the tendency to nest around this time of the year makes me miss that cozy family nest of my childhood and the warm and fuzzy feelings that can only come from a home cooked meal made by Mom. (more…)

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When you own over 100 cookbooks, it is time to stop buying, and start cooking. This site chronicles a cookbook collection, one recipe at a time.