Empty Tables

empty bowl

There’s no recipe in this post. There’s no restaurant review. There’s not even a drool-worthy photo. In fact, there isn’t any food at all. Why? Because this post is not about eating. It’s about not eating. Fasting. Not for weight loss or detoxifying. Not in observance of a religious holiday or a spiritual ritual. Fasting because there are too many who go without food everyday. Fasting to appreciate what I have. Fasting to experience just a tiny fraction of the distress felt every single day by those who are hungry. Fasting to give the money I would have spent on food for myself to hungry families in my community. Will you join me? (more…)

Ch-ch-changes (Veggie Lo Mein Recipe)


I think it’s safe to say that we are firmly entrenched in the season of change here in upstate NY. Just in the past week we’ve seen a 40+ degree temperature swing, rain, frost, blazing sunshine, and hurricane-force winds. Just your typical fall (or spring, for that matter). But this year, in addition to the crazy weather changes, I also have some crazy life changes going on. Just about a month ago I found out that I’ve been accepted into nursing school. I start classes in January! Woo hoo!

Needless to say, I’ve been doing a fair amount of scrambling around lately to get things in order before school starts. Besides all of the paperwork, immunizations and phone calls, I’ve also started to collect some quick and easy recipes in anticipation of those days (weeks?) when I simply can’t pull myself away from my books for more than 15 or 20 minutes to make something to eat. Since I’m kind of the reigning queen of the 2-hour dinner preparation, this has been no easy task for me. However, I’ve learned a few things already in my recent attempts at efficient cooking that are already helping me to shorten up my time spent in the kitchen just a little bit. (more…)

The Nourishing Gourmet has moved

Hippie gourmet for hungry people.

Chasing Delicious

Hippie gourmet for hungry people.

David Lebovitz

Baking and cooking recipes for everyone

Civil Eats

Hippie gourmet for hungry people.

The Bittman Project

Hippie gourmet for hungry people.

Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Hippie gourmet for hungry people.


When you own over 100 cookbooks, it is time to stop buying, and start cooking. This site chronicles a cookbook collection, one recipe at a time.